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List-Building and Text Marketing for Salons

Aura Animated messaging sample

Get a Sample SENT Message!

Fill out the form below and we will send you a sample text message.

Aura Animated messaging sample

Try Out SENT Text Marketing today!

Fill out the form below and we will send you a sample text message.


More Effective Than Email

SMS Marketing boasts greater immediacy
and attention than Email, Facebook, and Push Notifications

mobile sent text confirmation
mobile sent text confirmation
Customer list screenshot
Pinpoint by aura logo

Build Any List You Want

Build Any List You Want

Customize your SMS marketing campaigns to target your audience based on information stored within AURA.
  • Future Booked

  • Past Appointments

  • By Provider Seen or Booked

  • By Service Received or Booked

  • By Products Purchased

  • By Hair Type

  • Color-Treated Only

  • By Hair Length

Pinpoint by aura logo

Build Any List You Want

Build Any List You Want

Integrated contactless payments eliminate the need for front desk workers and provides safety and confidence for clients.
  • Future Booked

  • Past Appointments

  • By Provider Seen or Booked

  • By Service Received or Booked

  • By Products Purchased

  • By Hair Type

  • Color-Treated Only

  • By Hair Length

Customer list screenshot


Schedule image and text campaigns when the time is right or send them immediately.

Texts with

Showcase promotions with branded images delivered to your client’s phones.


Message links to direct clients back to your site for maximum brand interaction.

Detailed Campaign Results

Immediate SMS Messaging Reports available in Aura Platform to track messages sent, received or undelivered allow you to analyze the success of your campaigns.

Aura Report Screen
Aura Report Screen

Custom Reporting

Clean, thorough, and precise critical salon reports are easy to find and simple to digest, can be viewed in any date range, filtered and sorted in multiple ways, and easily downloaded, making information more accessible and more useful.

See Aura in Action

What to Expect

✓ An assessment of your software “wish-list”
✓ Live demo of Aura’s real salon workflow
✓ A straight-forward price quote during the call
✓ An intro to our painless switch process

“Modern, simple, AND visual. The perfect fit.”
Amanda Hair, Bob Steele Salons

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five Stars on Google

  • Request A Demo

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

By requesting a demo, you agree to receive automated text messages from Aura. We’ll handle your info according to our privacy statement.

Modern salons deserve modern software.

For a limited time, receive complimentary concierge data migration to ease the impact of COVID-19. (up to a $999 value.)

Want to talk right away?
or hello@aurasalonware.com

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